Thursday, August 21, 2014

REVIEW: Shake It Off by Taylor Swift


Ok, I gotta confess something: Taylor Swift is one of my guilty pleasure artists. What that means is I enjoy her singles as a guilty pleasure. This includes the singles that others don't consider to be very good such as We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, 22, and I Knew You Were Trouble. She's always been someone who I liked way more than I should, and I can attribute to how much charisma, energy, and emotion is brought in to each of her songs, both from her and the production and instrumentation. I'm not even a little mad at her sellout switch from country to pop. In fact, unpopular opinion here, I think it's the best decision she could make. The instrumentation backing her might've had a country sound to it, but she always felt more like a pop singer if you ask me, and I feel like the more poppy, dubsteppy production she's been fond of lately is really doing her a lot of favors.

Now, with all that said, what do I think of her new song, Shake It Off? Well, I do like it, but not quite as much as I'd like to. It isn't that bad, though, and here's why.

First off, the production and Taylor herself are full of energy, and the song is extremely catchy. Taylor seems to be really enjoying herself on this song, and really does a good job at getting the listener pumped up.

However, there is one major thing holding this song back, and that is that Taylor is trying way too hard here. Seriously, Taylor is doing her best to make a "forget the haters" anthem, and not that she's doing a bad job or anything, but I just can't see her as that type of person to be as in your face like that, so it becomes pretty jarring.

Still, this song is definitely worth a listen. I'm giving it a 3 out of 5 for now, but I can definitely see it growing on me and think this song has a lot of potential.

EDIT: Man has this song really grown on me. Looks like I was right. Now I don't even care how hard she's trying. It's just a really fun song with a lot of goofy moments in it, and for a song about haters is actually pretty mature. It's now definitely a 4.5 out of 5.

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