Thursday, August 28, 2014

MOVIE REVIEW: The Fault In Our Stars

Given that I went to see this movie this past Saturday, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to switch things up for a change.

Alright, for those that don't remember, I reviewed Boom Clap by Charli XCX a while back, and was really impressed with it. Even before I heard that song, though, I was really interested in that movie, and wanted to see how things would play out. So, since I finally received the chance to do so, I immediately opted to do so. What'd I get?

Holy crap, this movie is awesome. Seriously, if you haven't seen this movie yet, you're missing out big time.

Everything about this incredible peace of cinema works. The pacing is phenomenal. Each step of the way feels like you're seeing things through Hazel's eyes. It doesn't rush right in to anything, which is perfect because you really cannot do that with a movie like this. Everything has a slow build up, and the pay off is always satisfying and/or shocking/unexpected. Never once does it ever come off as too weak or too strong.

Each character is given incredible amounts of personality. You really feel like you know who each character is inside and out even though you've only seen them for just over two hours. They all develop wonderfully and move at just the right pace. All of them are really relatable and all work perfectly.

Not to mention the production and cinematography in this movie is superb. Every shot really fits the mood of what's going on at each particular moment from the beautiful, sunny days to the romantic moments between Augustus and Hazel to the scenes where each of them are sent to the hospital. The emotion is truly unprecedented.

Along with the cinematography, we also have the soundtrack, which again, fits each scene's mood perfectly. It's light and fluffy when things are all good yet dark and emotional when tragedy strikes. What else can I say here? It really works.

Next, we have the dialogue between each character, and again, it all fits together perfectly. Every word spoken strikes you with intense passion and emotion and comes across really naturally. They all sound really in character and very rarely ever stray from that. It starts off great and progressively gets even better as the plot continues on.

And the ending? Oh, you'll have to check that out for yourself. I'd say something about it, but that would just ruin the surprise, now, wouldn't it?

If I were to have one complaint, I guess it would be that some of the characters can be unreasonably dickish sometimes. For example, in one scene, Hazel's father tells her about maybe having to put her in an orphanage, and I'm not sure if he's being serious or not, but he comes off as a little forced and out of character. Another example is when they go to visit Van Hauten, and he's nothing more than a vindictive, drunken prick. He's really unlikable, which you wouldn't have guessed from what built up to it. Still, these moments are easily forgettable, and they quickly revert back to normal.

Overall, The Fault In Our Stars is an amazing movie, and it really makes no difference who has or hasn't read the book because it satisfies all no matter what. It's definitely a very strong 5 out of 5 from me.

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