Thursday, December 13, 2018

Top 10 Best Hit Songs Of 2018

Now that we've taken out the trash, time to put the fresh bag in, put the lid back on, and go eat some desert by going through the best of what this year had to offer. No time to waste, so here we go.

Oh hey, the best single from Evolve was a hit, and I get to talk about it now. 😃

10) Song: Whatever It Takes
      Artist: Imagine Dragons
      Year-End Position: 37
     I was definitely way too hard on ol' Gonad Migraines last year. I've revisited some of their stuff from Evolve, and it really is a good album. Hell, I've even grown massively to like Thunder. Part of that comes in just how much raw power and intensity a lot of their material has, and if you want a good example of that, look no further than Whatever It Takes. This song was amazing the first time I heard it, and a year later, it still holds up incredibly well. Dan Reynolds' weary triplet flow against the atmospheric synths and liquid guitars, the gathering intensity of the prechorus with Dan's delivery picking up some grit against that blocky groove of the percussion, and then that explosive chorus comes in with the smoldering guitars and everything just blowing up in the most epic way possible. Lyrically, it's about doing whatever it takes to reach the top, starting out apprehensive about what's to come, but then slowly but surely gaining more and more confidence to take on the obstacles in your path until you finally make it. That's a sentiment that I think a lot of people can relate to, and the execution was handled quite well. Nor really much to say here, it's just a really good pop rock song. Good job, Imagine Dragons. Hope you keep this up in the future.

Country had a good year this year. That said, I honestly wasn't expecting this song in particular to land on this list, but what can I say? It snuck up on me.

9) Song: One Number Away
    Artist: Luke Combs
    Year-End Position: 96
     Luke Combs falls in a bit of a tricky spot for me. He's an artist that's consistently good but not great, making music that's easily accessible but not exactly the most captivating thing in the world. That said, the more listens I've given to this song in particular, the more I've found myself drawn in. While the production is a little stiffer than I would otherwise prefer, the guitars and piano offer a somber tone that works really well in the song's favor. Combs' rougher tones fit like a glove as he sings about trying to convince himself that he's over his ex, but in reality, he's on the verge of begging this girl to come back to him. He knows that it isn't the best thing to do, but he can't think of anywhere else to turn. And it really is made clear throughout the song that he is trying that makes this song work as well as it does. If it had just been a stereotypical song about Combs' saying he's sad that his girl left him and just begging her to come back, it wouldn't have been as interesting and might've even been insufferable, but Luke Combs is just enough of a compelling performer and writer that he knows how to avoid such pitfalls and is able to give off enough emotional presence in his performance that he is believable and easy to sympathize with. It's not the most interesting thing in the world, I will freely admit that, but for a simple little country song to listen to every now and again, I'm not gonna deny that it works. I'll take it.

8 Delicate.

8) Song: Delicate
    Artist: Taylor Swift
    Year-End Position: 24
     Well, say what you want about Taylor Swift over the last several months, this is just absolutely stunning. I'll admit that reputation was pretty messy with some really low points like Look What You Made Me Do and ...Ready For It?, but at the same time, you also had some pretty high points like End Game, Getaway Car, and this song right here, Delicate. The ebbing synths that add this layer of a languid undercurrent against the gentle bass and low piano make this absolutely transcendent on an aesthetic level. Swift's vocals might just be the best they've sounded in a while. Her softer, more vulnerable tones sound as delicate as the title implies, and the autotune used on the hook is just ethereal. Every time I hear this song, I can just feel all my stress just melt away, which coincidentally fits well with the subject matter of the song. In this song, Taylor Swift is nervous about entering into a relationship with this guy because of all the baggage she has as a celebrity as well as the controversy surrounding not just her luck with relationships, but also who she is as a person. She sees how he treats her and is both ecstatic and relieved that he's able to look past all the publicity stunts she or those around her have pulled and is able to accept her for who she is in spite of all the stigma that comes with doing that. It's Taylor Swift at her most vulnerable, and if there's one lane that she's proven to work incredibly well for her with songs like Back To December and Style, it'd be that, and this is a prime example right here. Essentially, it can be considered a diamond in the rough (and I do mean really, really rough), and man alive does it shine all the same.

Oh hey, I finally get to praise a song by these guys on here.

7) Song: Powerglide
    Artist: Rae Sremmurd feat. Juicy J
    Year-End Position: 97
     I have been realizing over the past year or so that I was way too hard on these guys. These are merely nothing more than two kids just trying to have some fun, and the energy that they exude in most of their songs definitely shows. Now, does this mean that I like all of their songs? Well, no, but given production with quite a bit of energy and drive behind it, they can make some straight up jams. And if you want proof of that, then look no further than Powerglide. Man alive, this song is just a blast to listen to. Neither of what Swae Lee or Slim Jxmmi are saying is all that new or intricate, but my god, they just have so much charisma and personality in their performances that I just can't help but hop in and tag along for the ride. Same can be said about Juicy J as he just brings it on this song as well. But I'll be honest, the main reason this song is on here is because of that beat. Holy shit, did Rae Sremmurd pick a winner here. This quick paced, energetic sample of Three 6 Mafia's Side 2 Side works wonders as the propulsive cellos mesh incredibly well with the trap hi hats, and the subtle knock of the bass is enough to get crowds of people pumped. Anytime I listen to this song, I just get the incredible urge to get the hell up out of my seat and dance like a maniac, that's how awesome it is. It's a straight up banger that I am sure will get anyone moving within a matter of mere seconds. That's all it aimed to accomplish, and that's all it needed to do, and man, did it pass the test with flying colors. I consider that a win in my book.

Ooh, more good country music.

6) Song: Tequila
    Artist: Dan + Shay
    Year-End Position: 32
     Now here's a song I was not expecting to be as big a hit as it was but am no less glad that it was. Seriously, Dan + Shay, while they have shown that they do in fact have crossover appeal, they've never been able to achieve that before now, and it always seemed like something that just wasn't meant to be.
Thankfully, however, they not only were able to have some real success with this song, but it managed to almost crack the top 20 and finish just outside the top 30 of the year-end chart. Admittedly, it's not their best song, but I'll be damned if it isn't just a solid song all around. The stately piano surrounded by the more ambient effects in the production make this both a somber yet relaxing listen, and combined with Dan + Shay's smooth vocals, it really is a song that's quite the interesting listen, only made more compelling by the writing of how these guys can do pretty much anything without a hitch, but as soon as the taste of tequila hits their lips, they're taken back to relationships that have some painful memories but also some of the happiest ones they ever had. It's the little details that really do show that each of us have that one thing that's hard for us to return to because of a particularly excruciating moment in our lives, but we still sometimes do because we also recognize that it's moments like those that made us stronger and who we are today. It's a song that's more emotional than otherwise expected, and I'm glad it was a hit.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, all of my fucking yes.

5) Song: How Long
    Artist: Charlie Puth
    Year-End Position: 65
     So, Charlie Puth released his sophomore album, Voicenotes, and I have no regrets in saying it's fantastic. Not even kidding, it is a great album filled with a ton of groove and pretty much took everything wrong with Nine Track Mind and threw all of it in the garbage and replaced it with, you know, actual good music. The bland, questionable lyrics have been swapped out for those that have actual bite and detail to them, the bland, uninteresting backing instrumentals have been swapped out for ones with actual groove and energy to them, and while Puth hasn't really improved that much as a vocalist, his beats are able to support his voice way better than in the past. That's what worked so well about Attention from last year, and it's what works incredibly well in How Long. That bassline is a real groover. Mixed in with that percussion, cowbell, and those funky guitars, you'd never be able to guess that none of it used real instruments and instead was all made on Charlie Puth's desktop computer. Not only that, but Puth's breathier delivery actually mixes surprisingly well with the production. He stays in his lower register for most of the song, but even when he dips into his falsetto, even that's not nearly as grating as it usually is. Lyrically, it's a song where Puth tries to make excuses for cheating and even tries to turn it back on the girl to make her seem like she's in the wrong. Normally, this would make my skin crawl, but Puth is actually smart enough to not frame himself as the victim here and instead sing the chorus from the girl's perspective where she cuts through his bullshit and is not playing any of his games. It's a genius move from someone who, in the past, I wouldn't have thought of being capable of such intricacy, but this just goes to show that impressions of an artist, just as they can go from positive to negative, they can also go from negative to positive, and if you want another example of that......

Okay, something that became incredibly important for me to focus on this year was my own mental health. Unfortunately, I hit a real low point this year that I'd rather not go into, but thankfully, I have long since been able to pull myself out of that hole with the help of my loved ones as well as, in part, a few songs, this one being one of them.

4) Song: In My Blood
    Artist: Shawn Mendes
    Year-End Position: 46
     I'll admit my relationship with Shawn Mendes' music has been pretty rocky. I liked Stitches when I first heard it back in 2015, but it didn't take long for it to sour on me, and while I Know What You Did Last Summer was pretty decent, Treat You Better was and still is my pick for the worst hit song of 2016. But, to my surprise, Mercy wasn't that bad, and hell, There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back was straight up incredible, so he showed that he did still have potential in him. And with this song, he certainly lives up to that potential because man, this is cathartic as hell. The sparse guitar melody that accompanies the piano and acoustic guitar really does create this swirling background that sounds defeated and reserved but still keeps its focus in tact. This fits perfectly with the lyrics as they describe the feeling one goes through when severe anxiety is present. You feel alone, even in crowds of people, you lay alone on the floor and in some cases don't feel like going anywhere, you search your phone desperately looking for something to help you escape all the stress you're under, and no matter how many times you're told it'll get better or overly simplistic solutions you're offered, you question how true that is. Yet, even with that, you know it's not in you to give up on what you wanna do or commit suicide or anything like that in spite of how much those thoughts of loneliness and fear rattle around in your brain. It's a powerful as hell song, and Shawn's weary delivery really helps. Not only that, but as well as it works on its own, it gets even better when you learn that Shawn Mendes' frequent songwriter (who had a hand in writing this song as well), Teddy Geiger, came out as trans last October, and this song can perfectly encapsulate what those who experience gender dysphoria. It's a great song not just from an analytical standpoint, but also one that could be good to listen to to help one calm down after being real stressed out.

Well, what could be higher than the intense song about struggling to control one's anxiety and feeling trapped inside one's own head? Oh, you know, a bright, happy, new-jack swing throwback from an old friend of ours.

3) Song: Finesse (Remix)
    Artist: Bruno Mars feat. Cardi B
    Year-End Position: 14
     Yep, you all saw this one coming. Gonna be honest, I am kicking myself for not including 24K Magic on last year's list. It was fun, energetic, and dripping with swagger through Bruno's sheer cockiness and the glitzy '80s throwback production, even if it was basically a retread of Uptown Funk. So, was Bruno Mars able to capture lightning in a bottle three times in a row with this song? You bet your sweet ass he was. Bruno has always been good at throwback material, and this song right here is yet another example of that. This go-'round, he's taking his jab at new-jack swing, and you better believe he rocks the fuck out of  it. From the more industrial groove of the instrumentation to Bruno just oozing charisma all over the track to the inclusivity of the lyrics basically talking about how great he and his girl look together in the club, everything about this song is a complete and utter delight to listen to. I dare you to not dance to it when it comes on at a party or get-together or anything like that. Then you get Cardi B on the remix with her brand of carefree energy and intensity, and is it any wonder that this song is making so many best lists? Not much else to say about it other than it's awesome. But we still got two more to go.

Of all the songs to make this year's year-end chart, this is the one I was probably expecting the least to make it apart from maybe Powerglide. That said, it's also the one I am happiest about making it (apart from my number one, of course) because,

2) Song: IDGAF
    Artist: Dua Lipa
    Year-End Position: 98
     This song peaked at #49 on the Billboard Hot 100 and had an incredibly rocky run on the charts. The fact that it was a hit at all, let alone gained enough points to make the YE, really is astounding. To put it simply, Dua Lipa is a force to be reckoned with. She has an incredible voice, her production hits you like a ton of bricks, and her songwriting is as sharp as the tack a mischievous kid would leave in their teacher's chair for them to sit on. New Rules may have been the bigger hit, and while that's also a great song, it really was IDGAF that proved it could stand the test of times. The restrained guitar melody that permeates the verses against the snaps that are later accompanied by the marching drums and plinking pianos give this song a ton of spark and vigor. Then you have the biting snark in Dua Lipa's delivery that let you know that she isn't putting up with any shit. Any and every excuse this guy she dumped tries to throw her way she is shutting down each and every single time, and that definitely reflects in the writing. The guy's been giving her shit for too long, and the anger has built up in Dua so much that she can't take it anymore. He lies, cheats, plays the victim, and constantly tries to flip the situation back on her to make her seem like she's in the wrong, and she's done playing his little games. Then, when he comes back to her after she sent his sorry ass to the curb, he tries to sob his way back into her heart, but since she knows he'd just go back to doing the same ol' shit, she puts her foot down and tells the dude to get the fuck out. It's triumphant as hell, and honestly, that's what places this up so high. It's the defining song of a moment when you finally free yourself from something or someone that you know is toxic and are now able to just go out and enjoy living your life. It's the curb-stomp that hits you in the gut and makes you enjoy the many feelings that hit you, and boy oh boy, I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Fantastic song.

And now, to blow through the honorable mentions:

HM1) Song: Say Something
           Artist: Justin Timberlake feat. Chris Stapleton
           Year-End Position: 85
We gave Chris Stapleton a top 10 hit and a spot on a year-end chart. Of course that makes me happy, especially since it's a song where he and JT soulfully sing about how, despite wanting to just remain silent and not get caught up in the madness, sometimes you feel as though you have to speak up, even if it may not be the best thing to do over this acoustic driven, groove heavy pop production that suits them both well. Bass is a little overpowering, which keeps it off the list proper, but certainly not too distractingly so to keep it from getting at least a mention.

HM2) Song: Wolves
           Artist: Selena Gomez & Marshmello
           Year-End Position: 60
Atmospheric, relaxing, and just a flat out good pop song. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also, I see you reading this list, Mark. 😉

HM3) Song: Youngblood
           Artist: 5 Seconds Of Summer
           Year-End Position: 36
Spacey guitars in the verses that transition into a propulsive, galloping bass groove in the hook with lyrics that detail the struggles of two young people in an on-again/off-again relationship? Hell yeah, I'm game. Good job, 5SOS.

HM4) Song: New Rules
           Artist: Dua Lipa
           Year-End Position: 16
Dua Lipa, I don't know what we did to deserve you, but I'm glad you're here and I sincerely hope you stick around.

HM5) Song: Perfect
           Artist: Ed Sheeran
           Year-End Position: 2
I don't care what anyone says, this song is genuinely sweet and heartwarming.

HM6) Song: Nice For What
           Artist: Drake
           Year-End Position: 11
Fun, bouncy, actually empowering to women, and what the rest of Scorpion should've been.

HM7) Song: I Like It
           Artist: Cardi B feat. Bad Bunny & J Balvin
           Year-End Position: 7

HM8) Song: Lemon
           Artist: N.E.R.D. feat. Rihanna
           Year-End Position: 83
This is a fun and bouncy little pop song, but for whatever reason, I just didn't find myself returning to it as much as I hoped I would. Still really good, though.

HM9) Song: Don't Go Breaking My Heart
           Artist: Backstreet Boys
           Year-End Position: none/Peak: 63
This doesn't qualify, I'm just mentioning it because it would've topped the entire list had it actually been a hit. 

And now for what actually did top the list......

My number one pick for this year is a song that I knew was destined to top this list from the minute I heard it. And yet, there were multiple points in the year where it almost didn't, either because I feared that it wouldn't make the year-end list or because I wound up listening to other songs more and thought they were gonna top this list. Alas, I just couldn't bring myself to place this song anywhere else, and it is with great honors that I present the most improved artist of the year award as well as the top spot on this list......... to Mr. Thomas Rhett. 

1) Song: Marry Me
    Artist: Thomas Rhett
    Year-End Position: 76
     If there was any artist this year that I was shocked at just how much they improved, it would be Thomas Rhett. Seriously, just three years ago, this guy's main top 40 hit at the time, Crash & Burn, was a song where he sang in the smarmiest possible tone over production that was slapdash and sloppily interpolated (and supposedly stole) a Sam Cooke song about how "whoops, ruined another relationship, when will I ever learn? *cue laughtrack*". Songs like that, especially coming from him, were genuinely infuriating, and his album, Tangled Up, was a grating, disgusting listen, so needless to say, there didn't seem to be anything about this guy that was good even if songs like Die A Happy Man were pretty solid. But then he made a pivot that I don't think anyone expected. He decided to settle down and come to the realization that his more obnoxious side was driving some away and that he needed to settle down and do some growing up, which is what the focal point of what is most recent album, Life Changes, was. In turn, while the music got a bit safer, it also got better. Craving You was pretty decent even if it did completely waste Maren Morris, Unforgettable was a chill, laid back beach tune, and Sixteen and the title track were a bit hokey, to be sure, but they still had a bit of groove to them with writing that, while corny, was still pretty well put together and a bit more insightful. All of that being said, no other song can be pointed to that best shows Rhett's newfound maturity than the album's third single, Marry Me. I am not kidding when I say that this is an absolutely gorgeous song to listen to. The elegant pianos, the sweeping strings, gentle acoustic and electric guitars, it's all genuinely amazing even if the drums are a tad heavy in the mix. Add on to that, Rhett's delivery here is nothing to scoff at. His more held back, softer delivery really is enough to bring me close to tears each and every time. And the lyrics......oh boy, these lyrics are a complete masterclass in how to write a compelling story in a song. It opens up with Thomas making it seem like it's just gonna be a normal wedding song, only to reveal at the end of the chorus that the girl is actually marrying somebody else instead of him. He then reminisces about the times he's been with her from their childhood friendship to acknowledging that he blew his shot by not expressing his feelings to her when he had the chance, and right at the end, he's presented with the opportunity to go find her and make up for lost time by showing her how he feels in the hopes she'll ditch her current soon-to-be husband for him. However, in a surprising and satisfying as hell twist, he lets that opportunity go too, and he bites the bullet, throws back his shot of whiskey, and just supports her and her new husband. It's incredibly mature, and it makes it easy to sympathize with Rhett for one simple reason: he puts her feelings before his in an act of total selflessness. It wasn't an easy decision, but he knew he had no other choice. If he had caused a big scene, it would've only made things worse, so what else could he do but take the high road? It hurts that he has to let her go, but in the end, as painful as it may be, it's something that's best for not just her, but for him and everyone else involved. It's a song that tugs at your heartstrings and earns the right to do so one thousand fold. What else do I need to add? Easily my pick for the best hit song of 2018. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, take care, and have a happy new year.


  1. Personally, I think the best song of 2018 is Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) by Fall Out Boy.

  2. I'm glad that you turned around on Thunder, and I agree about Finesse. That song is awesome.

  3. My best songs of 2018 list:

  4. 10. Not as good as Thunder or On Top Of The World, but definitely in the upper tier of Imagine Dragon songs.
    9. Ok.
    8. Also ok.
    7. Maybe it's because one one of the members of Rae Sremmurd worked on 2 of my favorite songs of 2018 (Sunflower and Close to Me), but the fact that Rae Sremmurd collabed with the guy who said "Eat Your Heart Out Like Jeffery Dahmer" on Katy Perry's Dark Horse, and it managed to not suck is absolutely amazing.
    6. Decent.
    5. The best song Charlie Puth has ever made.
    4. Not as good as Lost In Japan, There's Nothing Holding Me Back, or If I Can't Have You, but defintely one of SM's better songs.
    3. Absolutely incredible. An HM on my best list, but that just tells you how good the songs on my actual list were. Also, 24K Magic is awesome.
    2. The only Dua Lipa song that leaves an impression on me.
    HM1: Ok.
    HM2: Boring.
    HM3: Meh. Also, whenver I see Youngblood, I think of the Rob Leifeld series.
    HM4: Boy, this Dua Lipa song sure does exist, doesn't it? (And yes, that is a Sean Fey Wolfe reference)
    HM5: This one grew on me. I love you, Ed Sheeran.
    HM6: Fine.
    HM7: Definitely better than Press and Money.
    HM8: Decent.
    HM9: Fine.
    1. This is your best song of 2018? I mean, really? This. Really? This? This flat, boring country song? I mean, this: is my best song of 2018. Hey, different strokes for different folks.
